ps: 在开始使用 typescript 的类型约束后,也会有上述变化产生
- 在实现 web 前端应用前,至少会考虑几个要点
- 应用运行环境:pc 浏览器?移动端浏览器?app 内 webview?
- 应用展示内容:banner?文案?按钮?图片?等等
- 应用交互:点击按钮发生什么?输入文字发生什么?等等
- 故对于 web 前端应用,其项目代码中,除了纯函数部分,还充斥着大量的 io 操作(service api 调用、bom api 调用、dom api)调用
- 下面就针对上述问题,依次处理
- 对于纯函数,只需要关注输入与输出即可
- 通常项目中 utils 文件夹中的都是纯函数
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| function sum(a: number, b: number) { return a + b; } export { sum };
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| import { sum } from "./index";
it("test sum", () => { expect(sum(1, 2)).toEqual(3); expect(sum(2, 3)).toEqual(5); });
- 在 react 语境下,页面使用组件进行内容展示
- 则开发人员需要以组件未单位进行测试
- src/components/Banner/index.tsx
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| import React from "react";
function Banner(): JSX.Element { return <div>Banner</div>; }
export default Banner;
- src/components/Banner/index.test.tsx
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| import React from "react"; import Banner from "./index"; import { shallow } from "enzyme";
it("should render correctly", () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Banner />); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("banner"); });
- 界面作为人机交互入口,直接承载用户输入与机器输出
- 交互实际上就是用户输入和机器输出的体现
- 下面是一个不涉及 io 操作的交互测试
- src/components/Banner/index.tsx
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| import React, { useState } from "react";
function Banner(): JSX.Element { const [text, setText] = useState("banner");
const clickHandle = (): void => { setText("clicked"); }; return ( <div> {text} <button id="btn" onClick={clickHandle}> click </button> </div> ); }
export default Banner;
- src/components/Banner/index.test.tsx
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| import React from "react"; import Banner from "./index"; import { shallow } from "enzyme";
it("click the button and change text", () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Banner />); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("banner"); wrapper.find("#btn").simulate("click"); expect(wrapper.text()).not.toContain("banner"); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("clicked"); });
dom 操作交互测试
- 涉及 dom 操作、bom 操作、api 操作的部分,可以使用
- src/components/Banner/index.tsx
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| import React, { useState } from "react";
function Banner(): JSX.Element { const [text, setText] = useState("banner");
const clickHandle = (): void => { setText("clicked"); }; return ( <div> {text} <button id="btn" onClick={clickHandle}> click </button> <button id="jump" onClick={(): void => { location.href = "jump success"; }} > jump </button> </div> ); }
export default Banner;
- src/components/Banner/index.test.tsx
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| import React from "react"; import Banner from "./index"; import { shallow } from "enzyme";
beforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, "location", { writable: true, value: { href: "mock success", }, }); });
it("test jump", () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Banner />); expect(window.location.href).toBe("mock success"); wrapper.find("#jump").simulate("click"); expect(window.location.href).toBe("jump success"); });
bom 操作交互测试
- src/components/Banner/index.tsx
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| import React, { useState } from "react";
function Banner(): JSX.Element { const [text, setText] = useState("banner");
const clickHandle = (): void => { setText("clicked"); }; return ( <div> {text} <button id="btn" onClick={clickHandle}> click </button> <button id="jump" onClick={(): void => { location.href = "jump success"; }} > jump </button> <button id="getUserAgent" onClick={(): void => { setText(window.navigator.userAgent); }} > jump </button> </div> ); }
export default Banner;
- src/components/Banner/index.test.tsx
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| import React from "react"; import Banner from "./index"; import { shallow } from "enzyme";
beforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, "navigator", { writable: true, value: { userAgent: "get userAgent success", }, }); });
it('click "get useragen"', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Banner />); wrapper.find("#getUserAgent").simulate("click"); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("get userAgent success"); });
service api 操作交互测试
- src/components/Banner/index.tsx
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| import React, { useState } from "react"; import { getUserInfo } from "@/pages/card-mgmt/api";
function Banner(): JSX.Element { const [text, setText] = useState("banner");
const clickHandle = (): void => { setText("clicked"); }; return ( <div> {text} <button id="btn" onClick={clickHandle}> click </button> <button id="jump" onClick={(): void => { location.href = "jump success"; }} > jump </button> <button id="getUserAgent" onClick={(): void => { setText(window.navigator.userAgent); }} > getUserAgent </button> <button id="getUserInfo" onClick={async (): Promise<void> => { const result = await getUserInfo(); setText(result.cnName); }} > getUserInfo </button> </div> ); }
export default Banner;
- src/components/Banner/index.test.tsx
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| import React from 'react' import Banner from './index' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils'
jest.mock('@/pages/card-mgmt/api', () => ({ ...(jest.requireActual('@/pages/card-mgmt/api') as any), getUserInfo: jest .fn() .mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ cnName: '火箭', enName: 'rocket' })) }))
it('click "get userInfo"', async () => { const wrapper = shallow(<Banner />) await act(async () => { wrapper.find('#getUserInfo').simulate('click') }) expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('火箭') })
redux 场景下组件测试
- 对于使用 redux 进行状态管理的应用,必定会有组件使用 react-redux 提供的 hooks 去获取状态、更新状态
- 根据上面的实践,明显可以看出:进行这类组件的单元测试,必须对 react-redux 的 hooks 进行 mock
- 对此,已经有完整的 mock 工具可供使用:redux-mock-store
- src/components/Banner/storeSlice.tsx
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import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
interface UserInfoType { cnName: string enName: string }
const defaultUserInfo: UserInfoType = { cnName: '', enName: '' }
export const slice = createSlice({ name: 'userInfo', initialState: { userInfo: defaultUserInfo }, reducers: { updateUserInfo(state, action): void { state.userInfo = action.payload } } })
export const { updateUserInfo } = slice.actions
export const selectUserInfo = (state: any): UserInfoType => state.userInfo.userInfo
export default slice.reducer
关于 storeSlice 这种写法,可以看 @reduxjs/toolkit
- src/components/Banner/index.tsx
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| import React, { useState } from "react"; import { getUserInfo } from "@/pages/card-mgmt/api"; import { selectUserInfo } from "./storeSlice"; import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
function Banner(): JSX.Element { const [text, setText] = useState("banner"); const userInfo = useSelector(selectUserInfo);
const clickHandle = (): void => { setText("clicked"); }; return ( <div> {text} {userInfo.cnName} {userInfo.enName} <button id="btn" onClick={clickHandle}> click </button> <button id="jump" onClick={(): void => { location.href = "jump success"; }} > jump </button> <button id="getUserAgent" onClick={(): void => { setText(window.navigator.userAgent); }} > getUserAgent </button> <button id="getUserInfo" onClick={async (): Promise<void> => { const result = await getUserInfo(); setText(result.cnName); }} > getUserInfo </button> </div> ); }
export default Banner;
- src/components/Banner/index.test.tsx
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| import React from "react"; import Banner from "./index"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import configureStore from "redux-mock-store"; import { Provider } from "react-redux";
it("should render correctly with redux store", () => { const mockStore = configureStore([]); const store = mockStore({ userInfo: { userInfo: { cnName: "马马马马马马", enName: "horsehorsehorsehorse", }, }, }); const wrapper = mount( <Provider store={store}> <Banner /> </Provider> ); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("马"); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain("horse"); });
- 纯函数测试:测试工具类纯函数是否符合预期
- 展示性测试:用于测试组件内容是否正常展示,展示的各项内容是否完整、正确
- 交互性测试:用于测试组件涉及的交互,是否可以正常输出,正常输出,并对输入、输出做校验
- 快照测试:快照测试让开发人员明确自身对组件的修改,会有多大的波及度,具体可看Snapshot Testing